Names of Fourteen Manu

1.   Swayambhuv 2.   Swarochish 3.   Uttam 4.   Taamas
5.   Raivat 6.   Chakshush 7.   Vaivaswat 8.   Saavarni
9.   Dakshasaavarni 10. Bhrahmasaavarni 11. Dharmasaavarni 12. Rrudrasaavarni
13. Ruchi=Devasaavarni 14. Bhuti=Indrasaavarni

For further details on time measurement conact Paresh Patil " //-->

Major portion of Siddhant is dominated by planetary mathematics. Three branches of this stream are

Siddhant studies the planetary mathematics right from the beginning of "Kalpa"
Tantra involves study of planetory mathematics from
"Mahayug" onwards
Karan involves study of planetory mathematics from a particular year onwards.

Contact P G Patil for more details.

Time measurement in Astrology

Astrology measures time in terms of years of any of the following system.

Brahmya (Supreme God's) Divya (God's) Pitrya (Died ancestor's)
Prajapati (A god) Brihaspati (Jupiter)  

And remaining four are earth based

Solar (Sun) Savan (Sunrise) Chandra (Moon)
Aarksha (nakshatra)    

For further details on time measurement conact Paresh Patil

The smallest unit used in Indian astrology is 'Lagna'. One second of our time equals to 33,750,000 Lagna. Or one Lagna is approximately 3 micro seconds. Following chart gives rest of the units in terms of Lagna. For this page the 'day' includes night.

1 Lagna = (8/270000000) Seconds
1 Truti = 1000 Lagna
1 Tatpar = 100 Truti
1 Nimish = 30 Tatpar
1 Kashtha = 18 Nimesh
1 Pran = 10 Vipale
1 Pran = 2.5 Kashtha
1 Pal/Vinadi =
6 Pran 1 Vipal = 60 PratiVipale
1 Kala =
2 Pal 1 Pal = 60 Vipale
1 Ghatika/Nadi = 60 Pale (Plural for Pal)
1 Day (Solar) = 60 Ghatika
1 Solar year = 365 Days 15 Ghatika 22 Pale 13 Kashtha 8 Nimish 9 Tatpar 84 Truti 720 Lagna
1 Kaliyug = 4,32,000 Solar Years
1 Dwaparyug = 8,64,000 Solar Years
1 Tretayug = 12,96,000 Solar Years
1 Krutyug = 17,27,000 Solar Years
1 Yug/Mahayug = Sum of all four above.
1 Manu = 71 Mahayug
1 kalpa = 14 Manu + 15 Sandhikaal(a Sandhikaal equal to 17,27,000 Solar Years)
1 BrahmaDay = 2 Kalpa
1 BrahmaVarsha = 360 BrahmaDays
1 Mahakalpa = 100 Brahma Years

Now first 50 years of Bhrahma are over. And first Kalpa of first BrahmaDay of fifty first year is on. Of this first Kalpa first Manu are past and the seventh Manu, named as Vaivaswat, is going on. Twenty seven Mahayug of this manu are over. Of the twenty eighth Mahayug current year is 5105th year of Kaliyug. This means 4,26,896 years are still to come for this Kaliyug. Now this Kaliyug Shake 5105 started on 2nd April 2003. For further details on time measurement conact Paresh